Sprinkle the whole house with salt, that’s why it’s so amazing

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People used their household salt for purification purposes, and it was not recycled for many years

Salt Prevents Ant Infestation: Any herbal method can rely on salt to keep ants away from doors, windows, and garage cabinets. Sprinkle some salt on the windows of the house and the various places that ants use to enter your private house/kitchen, and you can also reduce the humidity in your private house if you use salt in this way.

Salt as a sharpening cloth for copper, silver and herbal copper

You can use salt to avoid this irritation as it is a powerful and simple answer, mix apple cider vinegar and salt, then wipe the surface until it becomes shiny, and use this herbal mixture to remove dust and stains.

You can use salt to avoid this irritation as it is a powerful and simple answer, mix apple cider vinegar and salt, then wipe the surface until it becomes shiny, and use this herbal mixture to remove dust and stains.

Salt as a Plant-Based Cleansing Agent for Your Own Home and Windows

Make a mixture of a few tablespoons of salt and a gallon of warm water and use this mixture to soften home windows and get rid of stubborn stains, and in private homes, polish and smooth windows until they are covered with grass. The amazing component is that the results you will reap will be locked in for a long period of time.

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