Sweet Blueberry Biscuits

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Sweet biscuits are my weakness – I will admit it happily! These biscuits are simple, delicious, and packed with blueberries. I will choose these over a blueberry muffin any day. I like to make these when we have guests stay with us, but I also make them when it is just the family. I always try to save one to have in the afternoon with tea!

The smell of baked goods in the morning is heavenly. While these may appear labor intensive, they aren’t so there is no excuse not to make a batch and see for yourself how wonderful they are!



  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 Tbsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1 stick (8 Tbsp.) butter – Very Cold
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (could use frozen)
  • 4 Tbsp. salted butter – melted
  • Glaze – See Notes for Alternative Glaze
  • 1 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons Lemon Juice
  • 1 teaspoon of Lemon Zest (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon Milk


  1. Cut the butter into small chunks and place in freezer to get cold.
  2. Grease a cast iron skillet with butter (or grease a baking sheet)
  3. Preheat oven to 475° F

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