Brussels Sprouts in Garlic Butter

Titelbild für Brussels Sprouts in Garlic Butter


  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 25 mins
  • Servings: 2 serving

I toss my sprouts in a crazy delicious garlic butter sauce that’s filled with lots and lots of amazing flavor right after they’re roasted. So yummy and easy, you will be making them all the time. I eat everything except brussel sprouts. Even who says this will change his mind after trying this recipe. 

I’m confident enough to say that you’ve never tasted Brussels sprouts like this before. It will be the favorite of your holiday table. if it wasn’t real i wouldn’t have said it.

My childhood did not involve brussel sprouts horrors like many did. I still remember the first time trying this dish and from that time, I can say I fell in love with it.  

Technique is everything when it comes to veggies. good thing that Brussels sprouts have made a comeback.  


  • 15 Brussels sprouts, halved lengthwise
  • 11⁄2 teaspoons of butter
  • 11⁄2 teaspoons of olive oil
  • 3 cloves of garlic, shattered with a flat knife
  • Parmesan cheese, freshly grated 
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste

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